Gordon L. DICK
Rank | Reg/Ser No | DOB | Enlisted | Discharge/Death | Board |
Pte | 142 | 31y5m | 31 Aug 1914 | 31 May 1916 | 4 |
Private Gordon Lauder Dick (1883 – 1958)
Early life
Gordon Lauder Dick was born in Hawthorn, Victoria in 1883. His parents were Thomas Dick and Sarah May Pryce who married in 1878 in Victoria.
Enlistment and service
When Gordon enlisted on 31 August 1914 his age was 31 years 5 months, he was 5 feet 8 inches (173cm) tall, weighed 116 pounds (52.6kg) and had brown hair and eyes. He gave his occupation as drayman and his religion Presbyterian. His father’s address was Fitzroy Chambers, Adelaide Street Brisbane. He sailed from Brisbane on the Omrah on 24 September, 1914.
He left Alexandria on the Ionian for the Gallipoli Peninsula to join the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force (MEF) which was part of the British Army during World War I. The MEF commanded all Allied forces at Gallipoli and Salonika. The voyage was designated GALLIPOLI CAMPAIGN on his service record.
He was on the Gallipoli Peninsula until 21 August 1915 when he was admitted to hospital on the Ulysees and transported to Alexandria on 25 August and then to Cairo to the No 2 Australian General Hospital.
From there, he was transferred to Mena Convalescent home on 18 October, and to Helouan Convalescent home on 8 January 1916.
Gordon was invalided home to Australia on the Kanowna from Suez on 28 January 1916 with asthma. He was admitted to 6AGH Brisbane on 17 March and discharged on 31 May having been awarded the 1914/15 Star, the British War Medal and the Victory Medal.
Post war
Gordon Dick married Lucy Clare Bishop on 30 March 1918 and had a son Keith Thomas.
Gordon and his father Thomas are listed as communicant members of Saint Andrew’s and J. D. W. Dick was on the Committee of Management in 1913.
Gordon died in 1958.
Written by Bob Warrick, Brisbane. February, 2017 ©
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