Rank | Reg/Ser No | DOB | Enlisted | Discharge/Death | Board |
Pte | 508 | 31y6m | 25 Sep 1914 | 25 Apr 1919 | 6 |
Warrant Officer Lewis John Morgan
(1886 - 1953)
Family Background
Lewis John Morgan whose name appears on one of the Congregational Honour Boards in the Merrington Anzac Memorial Peace Chapel in Saint Andrew’s Uniting Church Brisbane, was given the number 508 when as a 28 year old clerk he enlisted in Brisbane on 25 September 1914. Lewis was born in Blackstone Ipswich. His father Richard and mother Mary had only one child Lewis born on 1 April 1886.
At enlistment his height was 5ft 2 ins (157cm), his weight 141 lbs (64kg) and his complexion was described as fair, his eyes as grey and his hair as brown. He named Daniel Morgan, a clerk with the Royal Bank of Queensland in Warwick as his next of kin. There is no evidence that Daniel was a relative. Perhaps they had worked together. In 1922 the Royal Bank merged with the National Bank of Australasia later to become the National Australia Bank.
Private Morgan was allocated to the 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance and left Brisbane on the Transport ship Borda in December 1914. Also on that ship was David Gifford Croll from Saint Andrew’s whose story is found on this website. Borda was one of the second fleet of Anzac ships which left Albany harbour on December 31, 1914. 11,000 troops were on board this convoy of 17 ships bound for the Middle East. Their journey went via Colombo in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka); Aden in Yemen; and the Suez Canal and Port Said in Egypt, before reaching Alexandria on February 3 1915 and completing their disembarkation four days later.
War Service
They proceeded to Gallipoli where on 27 August 1915 Morgan sustained a shrapnel wound to his chest wall and was evacuated to England on the Hospital Transport HT Franconia. He was admitted to Mile End Hospital on 9 September 1915.
Lewis was promoted to Staff Sergeant in the 17th Field Ambulance on 22 November and six months later to RQMS (Regimental Quarter Master Sergeant).
On 25 May 2016 Morgan was transferred from temporary staff to St Peter Street Convalescent Depot for duty in the Army Medical Service and to retain his temporary rank whilst so employed. The next transfer was to Australian Hospital, Southall on 4 August 1916. In October, the 17th Field Ambulance was disbanded and Morgan was taken on strength to the 10th Field Ambulance.
On 31 October 17 he was posted to France and promoted to Warrant Officer 1.
In 1919 he had two periods of leave – 23 March to 4 April and 15 September to 1 October although there is no record of where he took them.
Post War
In January 19 his record indicates he was returning to Australia on the Berrima with nursing duties and he was discharged on 25 April having been awarded the 1914/15 Star, the British War Medal and the Victory medal.
Lewis Morgan married Bertha Clarissa Haigh on 2 March 1921 and they lived at Morgan Terrace Bardon. There were three children of the marriage; Douglas born in 1924 and married to Pam Chambers in 1950 with three children Jane, John and Ian; Joan born in 1921; and Gwyneth born in 1929 who married Richard James in June 1960 and had five children.
Lewis died on 14 April 1953. The location of his grave is unknown at this point in time.
Written by Bob Warrick, Brisbane. May 2017 ©
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